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Expert Gardener 100 foot Medium Duty Garden Hose Gray
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Expert Gardener 100 foot Medium Duty Garden Hose Gray

Product ID: 475206742
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5/8 inch diameter x 100 foot length Expert Gardener® medium-duty garden hose features a Comfort Grip connector that protects the hose coupling from becoming damaged, while also making it easier to connect and disconnect the hose from any faucet or spigot. This hose also features 4-ply construction: one inner core, one reinforcement layer, and two scuff-resistant outer jackets. The hose features nylon reinforcements and an ergonomic gripper makes it suitable for all ages to use. This flexible garden hose has a four-ply construction and the hose guard flexes to allow for ease of movement during use. It's ideal for use in just about any residential yard and can be used to water the lawn, garden, or landscaping, as well as for washing the car or siding on the home, and much more. This 5/8" diameter x 100ft length Expert Gardener® medium-duty garden hose features a Comfort Grip connector that protects the hose coupling from becoming damaged, while also making it easier to connect and disconnect the hose from any faucet or spigot. This hose also features 4-ply construction: one inner core, one reinforcement layer, and two scuff-resistant outer jackets. The hose features nylon reinforcements and an ergonomic gripper makes it suitable for all ages to use. This flexible garden hose has a four-ply construction and the hose guard flexes to allow for ease of movement during use. It's ideal for use in just about any residential yard and can be used to water the lawn, garden, or landscaping, as well as for washing the car or siding on the home, and much more. 4-ply Construction Ergonomic Grip Easy Connect Neutral gray color

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